General Booking Information
To see one of our consultants you ideally need a referral letter from your GP. This can be posted, faxed or e-mailed through to our secretaries.
If your physiotherapist has recommended that you see one of our consultants then you should arrange for the referral via your GP before we can see you.
Once you have your GP's agreement to refer, you can ring ahead to arrange a provisional appointment.
Mr Malhas consults at Circle Reading every Wednesday afternoon and at Spire Dunedin on a Thursday afternoon.
Circle Reading Hospital – click here for map and directions to the hospital.
Spire Dunedin Hospital – click here for map and directions to the hospital.
Booking An MRI Scan After Your Consultation
An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) scan may be requested for you by your consultant following your consultation. In some cases it maybe possible to have your scan done on the same day, however it is usually arranged in the next few days following your consultation at a time to suit you. If you haven't already done so, then you will need to call your medical health insurer for authorisation beforehand. The fee for the MRI scan is sent from the hospital and this is separate from the consultant’s fee. If you are particularly claustrophobic then it is possible for you to be referred to an 'open' MRI scanner based in Windsor or Swindon.
Please make your consultant aware at your initial appointment so that the appropriate referral can be made.
Contact Details for MRI departments:
Circle, Reading - Main Switchboard - 0118 922 6888 (ask for Radiology)
Berkshire Private Imaging - Private Secretaries 0118 903 6930
Dunedin Hospital - MRI Department. 0118 955 3415 (ext 4136)
Royal Berkshire Hospital - MRI Dept. 0118 322 7386